The Bridge

Discover The Only Personal Development Experience That Unveils Who You Truly ARE So That Everything Becomes Possible

Create Permanent Change in Your Life, Obliterate The People Pleaser In You, And Learn to Love Yourself...
in Less than 48 Hours

Imagine for a second what it would be like to have the life you’ve always wanted.

Imagine what it would feel like to have a romantic relationship so full of love and connection that you never feel distant from your partner…
Imagine being able to call up your Mom, Dad, brother, sister, cousin…and have a truly deep conversation where you both feel seen, heard, loved, and understood…
Imagine creating the business you’ve been thinking about for 10 years, and serving the people you truly care about…and it being fun, joyful, and simple.
Imagine asking for what you really want at work, in your relationship, out in every day life…and getting it because you have rock-solid confidence in yourself.
And imagine what it would be like to feel in flow, relaxed, and not only able to cope with stress…but to actually have a solution for it.

This is what the Bridge Experience does for people. We help you truly express your authentic self, if you only do the work to uncover what’s really holding you back. And then we equip you with the tools necessary to take action and achieve your goals.

This is designed for anyone who is ready to take themselves to the next level. For those who want to experience new possibilities. For those who want to FEEL differently and experience MORE joy, love, and presence than ever before.

The Bridge Experience makes it impossible to stay in your comfort zone. You can’t fail in this space.

Are You Ready to Finally Break Out of the Comfort Zone That’s Keeping You Stuck?

Well…does any of this sound familiar?

Your romantic relationship is full of stand offs, arguments, and other anxiety-inducing “fights” that are so normal, you don’t even believe another way exists

You shrink away whenever someone calls you out to display your work. The feeling of having so many people watching you as you present something you’ve worked on is enough to make you want to vomit

Your family relationships are strained. Maybe you don’t even talk to your parents or siblings, or if you do, the conversations stay at the surface level

You know you’re playing small and holding yourself back from opportunities that arise but you don’t know how to do it any other way. The fear of failure keeps you stuck.

You’ve been the rock for your friends and family, someone who is always there for everyone else and they can always count on you. But secretly, you feel exhausted.

Maybe this hits home.
Maybe it doesn’t but you know something isn’t as good as it could be.

If you want to uplevel your life, expand the realm of possibility, and create a larger container to handle more of life with a sense of grace and ease…the Bridge Experience is for you.

Get Ready to Transform Yourself…


“If you get this rare opportunity, take it immediately! My life is truly forever changed by this experience. I walked out from the weekend a different person. Alexi and Preston see and hear YOU, they truly love and care for YOU as an individual and they are committed to your growth. They aren’t standing on a stage talking down to you, they are on your level and up close with you. And they give you individual feedback! Amazing! I have also left the workshop with strangers-turned-friends who I will keep for a lifetime. I can’t recommend joining the Bridge Experience alumni highly enough!!!”

Elizabeth Marie

“This workshop was the catalyst for change in my life and I am forever grateful. Best money I ever invested.”

“I would pay 5x the price they are asking to do this work again. Go for it.”

“I feel like a new person! More connected to myself. And having conversations with people now on a whole new level…My goals have grown bigger. I feel high on life without the need for anything to create that feeling for me. My closest friends have even noticed a difference in me.”

“Best decision of my life, thus far…[The Bridge Experience] changed my mindset from completely fixed to one of growth and limitless possibility. I felt like I had a complete rebirth in one weekend and finally woke up to my potential, whilst having a whole lot of fun in the process and making life-long friends.”

“I no longer want to die and I’ve never felt so much joy and mental clarity in my life! Everything in my life has changed and I am overwhelmed with abundance!”

If you’re ready to stop people pleasing and be empowered to put yourself first so you can show up more powerfully for those you love…

And if you’re ready to start living life to its fullest,
creating possibility wherever you want to expand…

And if you’re ready to finally start achieving the dreams
that you’ve been too scared to pursue…

Then what are you waiting for?
Sign up for the Bridge Experience today

Get Your Tickets for the Next Bridge Experience

What Is The Bridge

Break Free of Your Comfort Zone
and See What You’re Made Of

The Bridge Experience is a LIVE, experiential workshop where you spend 2 days discovering things about yourself you never knew…and at the same time, building a community of like-minded people who become like a family.

By using a number of scientifically-backed techniques, we exercise your nervous system’s ability to absorb and process stress.

We empower you to release emotional trauma that’s been stored in the body for years and is holding you back in life.

Then, we give you the tools and tactics and ancient wisdom so you can process through stressful situations much more efficiently so it doesn’t stay in your body.

This workshop is intentionally designed to be a microcosm of your ENTIRE life. We facilitate exercises that force you to get out of your comfort zone and confront yourself in the safest environment possible.


You will be stretched but held.

Each day of the workshop takes you through exercises that are designed to expand the capacity your nervous system has to process through and handle stress, and at the same time, to process and receive connection and love.

With the Bridge, you will learn concepts, tactics and strategies for how you show up to life. And then you will immediately put those concepts into practice.

This is not a seminar. You will probably take fewer notes in this workshop than any other personal development workshop you’ve ever attended because YOU are the workshop, and every Bridge event is different based on who is in the room.

If you want permanent, lasting change that sticks, this is the workshop for you.

This is an experience that is all about helping you come alive. To help you get real about what’s really out of alignment with your life…so you can do something about it!

We help you get unstuck.

Watch the bridge video


How the bridge is different

How are we different from events like Tony Robbins and Landmark/Lifespring?
We keep it small, and intimate. Everyone gets direct attention from their own coach and there is nowhere to hide out in large crowds. This is NOT a “sit and take notes” type of event—while there will be moments of lecture and plenty of things you’ll want to note down—YOU are the workshop. This is experiential work that goes beyond the mind, and moves into what is showing up in your body.

While we love this work and are both students and graduates of it – we recognized that this curriculum was developed decades ago and hasn’t been updated for the new human. We take the foundations of this work and add in all the new advancements in brain development, somatic work (how the body influences the brain, and therefore your experience) and practices in cultivating deep intimacy and authentic self expression in order to retrain the nervous system to be able to “hold” more of life. These trainings dive a lot into your past, and how to process it, while our trainings focus on cultivating what’s here in the present and creating from the clearest space possible.

The Bridge Experience continues where Tony Robbins / Lifespring / Landmark left off
Small and initmate groups
NOT a sit and take notes workshop
added in new advancements in brain development, somatic work (how the body influences the brain, and therefore your experience)

We have had head trainers of both Tony Robbin’s work and work that comes from the Lifespring/Landmark world participate in our full curriculum and say that it is unlike anything they’ve experienced. Our volunteer staff includes a lot of these trainers and students from other work, because they believe so deeply in our methodology.

Who Is This For?

There are really 3 kinds of people who do Bridge:

You’ve never done any personal growth but something is showing up in your life that is making you question what you know. Maybe your significant other keeps pointing out the same flaws and you feel unable to truly see them and change. Maybe you keep getting passed over at work for that promotion and you’re frustrated that nobody sees your potential. Maybe you want to do something bigger in the world but you constantly feel afraid to do something about it and you find yourself always waiting for “the right time”.

Maybe you just feel like something is “off” in your life and you want clarity on who you are, what you want out of life, and why you’re even here.

You’re a coach, facilitator or leader in your world and you’re looking for a space to not only refine your skills as a leader, but more importantly, to refine who you are as a person, because you know you can only take your clients as far as you’re willing to take yourself. You want to up level and improve your ability to lead overall, and create the change you want to see in the world. Bridge is one of the only workshops in the world where you will TRULY be able to see where your greatest area of improvement still lies, and what may be required to lead more powerfully.

You’re a personal growth junkie who has done ALL the things but you still feel that you haven’t quite embodied any of it yet. You know all about emotional intelligence, mindset work, and perceptive filters. But something isn’t quite sticking and you can’t figure out what it is.




Level 1 Training – Bridge Experience
20+ Hours, 2 days

Our Level 1 Training, THE BRIDGE EXPERIENCE is all about looking under the hood, seeing what needs a tune up and beginning that process. This is where you get to see the ineffective patterns in your life, and create a new identity around what truly lights you up.

This is a 2 Day, action packed, fully immersive experience that is designed to uncover and discover all of your underlying, limiting beliefs and unconscious patterns that have been holding you back from your greatness.

Think of this workshop like a laboratory where you can truly discover how you THINK people experience you differs from how people ACTUALLY experience you.

This event was created for you to breakthrough your old paradigms so that you can align your thoughts, words and actions to create the life you’ve always wanted, despite what your circumstances are.

This process arms you with the tools you need to create lasting change on a CELLULAR LEVEL, and to live an extraordinary life. This will be 2 days that will stay with you forever.

These trainings are action-oriented, and held in an experiential learning environment to address all learning styles while we engage the Mind, Body and Soul. We use interactive discussions, games, peer to peer exercises, real world challenges, visualizations and role play to create a fully immersive learning environment.

Level 2 Training – Extreme Leadership

3 days intensive

Once you’ve completed The Bridge Experience, you’re invited to put all your skills and awareness to the test in our world renowned EXTREME LEADERSHIP training.

This is our Level 2 training where you get in the car, rev the engine and put the pedal to the metal. This is where you get in the game and begin to embody who you really are on a whole new level.

EXTREME LEADERSHIP is NOT for the faint of heart. We will challenge you to the ends of the earth in order for you to truly be able to SEE where you’re at in your leadership, and HOW you can shift into a truly EMBODIED state.

Over the course of 3 action packed days together, we will have you “throw on the jersey” and GET IN THE GAME…because that’s where the DEEP LEARNING happens. You’ll be practicing “what you know” in real time, with real stakes–all in an effort to train your leadership muscle to be ready for whatever may come your way.

This workshop was developed to be the BEST in the world for those who are truly committed to taking themselves on in the most profound and confronting ways; for those who are SERIOUS about integrating the work, and SHOWING UP POWERFULLY in all areas of their lives.

The wisdom is DEEP and the stakes are REAL. You will be pushed to your edge, called forward and forced to face off with the parts of yourself you’ve been hiding from.




Level 3 Training – INTEGRATE


In Integrate, we help you take all the tools you’ve learned in Bridge and Extreme and apply them with an end goal in mind.

This is where we polish the car and begin adding all the bells and whistles. This is 90 days of bringing something you’ve been procrastinating on to life. You get high level accountability from a team of coaches and community participating with you, and you’ll create something you’ve been dreaming about doing for years.

This is where you get to fully express yourself in your everyday life and see what you’re able to create.

In 90 days, you’ll actually accomplish one BIG life goal you’ve been waiting to move forward for years.


Why The Bridge Experience?

Preston Smiles and Alexi Panos here.

We’ve been involved in personal development work for over 10 years each. And in that time, we’ve done everything you can possibly think of.

If there’s a personal development guru, book, workshop, experience, or retreat you’ve heard of…we’ve probably done it.

And don’t get us wrong…we got a lot out of all that time spent.

But something has always been missing…

Each of these programs and workshops focused on specific areas. But there was a holistic piece that was missing. We were both frustrated with the existing options. We wanted something that felt different. A lot of work that’s still available is set up within the confines of the work that was created in the 60s and 70s.

We set out to create that missing piece.

The Bridge Experience is THE personal development experience we wish we’d had all along. 

This is no ordinary training…it’s the result of years and years of hard work, trainings, and hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on education.

How much hard work?

The Bridge Experience Was Created From…

Over 20+ years of experience as students in personal development…
Over 100,000 hours of focused training…
Over $500,000 invested into education…
20+ Professional Certifications and Trainings in Disciplines such as…

Somatic Experiencing
Emotional Intelligence
Gestalt Therapy
Experiential Learning
Embodied Leadership
Psychology (Developmental, Positive, Intrapersonal, Evolutionary, Cognitive)
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Trauma Release Therapy
Neuro Linguistic Programming
Conflict Management
Ontological Practices
Embodied Cognition
Esoteric Wisdom
Master NLP Trainers
Linguistic Philosophy

This experience was not forged from a few weekend seminars and a handful of online courses.

The Bridge Experience is the best there is because we’ve put our entire lives into this work.

A New Approach to Personal Development for the 21st Century Man and Woman

After spending over 50,000 hours each working on ourselves using the tools we teach in the Bridge Experience, we realized several things about what’s been missing in the world of personal development…



There are 3 major problems:

The philosophy behind personal development is fundamentally incomplete, because it’s missing a critical step
Most personal development work doesn’t translate to the 21st century human. It’s not focused on teaching you how to be with your emotions or your stress. Much of it was developed in the 1960’s and 70’s and has not aged well.

Most personal development is a rigid, one-size-fits-all seminar-style event that puts you in a passive environment where you’re sitting back and taking notes, rather than experiencing it in your body. And quite frankly, it can be a little boring and you can “hide” in the crowd without ever fully getting the personal attention that’s required for deep, sustainable change. 

Think of personal development like technology for your brain. Most personal development teaches you what the technology is, but it doesn’t show you how to use it.

We show you how to use it and then apply it in real time so you’re equipped to use it when you leave the event.

This is what makes Bridge different.

Shift Your Identity to Create Permanent Results in Just
48 Hours

The first problem we wanted to fix in personal development is that the underlying philosophy for most transformational programs is incomplete.

The whole point of personal development is to help you create a better version of your life: one where you feel lighter, where you experience your true potential, and are able to make your dreams come to life.

The Bridge Experience puts a serious twist on personal development, because it’s less about teaching things and more about experiencing things.

In order to generate results, most personal development works under the assumption that you need to start with your beliefs in order to create change. And it has you individually expand your beliefs, your thoughts, and/or your actions to hopefully expand your results.  

It can often take years to identify and shift the core beliefs that you have about the world. This is because it’s all happening up in our heads and we tend to ignore what the rest of our body is telling us.

What we’ve discovered is that there’s a step before Beliefs. And that’s Identity.

Your beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and actions can ONLY expand to the limit of our Identity.

It turns out, if you expand your Identity, you can dramatically expand your beliefs, thoughts, feelings, actions and results exponentially because the lens through which you see life has completely transformed.

The Bridge Experience

is a laboratory where we re-create how you show up in life with exercises and challenges over the course of a 2 day workshop We are literally repatterning the way you see yourself-your identity–so that your worldview fundamentally shifts along with it.

Our coaches watch you the entire time, observing how you interact with others, how you get uncomfortable, how you get comfortable, how you sit, how you stand, how you think, how you walk, how you talk…EVERYTHING.

And we then bring all these observations to your awareness so you have true, objective feedback on exactly WHAT is not working in your life. This is all designed to reveal where your ego is trying to “protect” you and keep you safe, which is actually keeping you stuck.

The Bridge Experience gives you the gift of revealing these blindspots so you have the opportunity to work on them.

THAT is how we can help you unlock permanent change in just 2 days of experiential development.

You don’t just learn; you apply and embody IMMEDIATELY.

Every concept you learn, you have the opportunity to instantly put into practice so that you feel the difference on a cellular level.


The Bridge Experience gives you the gift of revealing these blindspots so you have the opportunity to work on them.

THAT is how we can help you unlock permanent change in just 2 days of experiential development.

You don’t just learn; you apply and embody IMMEDIATELY.

Every concept you learn, you have the opportunity to instantly put into practice so that you feel the difference on a cellular level.

A Solution For Stress That Transforms You on a Cellular Level

We’ve all heard that stress is a killer and we should all try and be less stressed.

But the reality is that stress is catching up with us faster than anyone would like to admit.

As a society, we are more stressed out than we ever have been. Opioid addiction, alcoholism, and suicide are the 3 deadliest patterns that have arisen in response to all this stress.

In the past couple of decades, we’ve invented an entirely new category to explain these new symptoms: deaths of despair.

As a country, The United States ranks dead last in life expectancy behind all major developed countries, including all of Western Europe and Canada.

In 2018, our average life expectancy dropped for the third consecutive year,

marking the longest sustained decline in expected lifespan since 1915 to 1918. And back then, there was a World War and an international influenza pandemic to explain the drop.

Source: Economist

It’s becoming clear that as a nation, we don’t know how to deal with stress. Our life expectancy is dropping, not because people in their 80’s are passing, but because too many people in their 20’s and 30’s are dealing with stress using alcohol or drugs.

In the Bridge Experience, we teach you how to BE WITH your stress in a powerful way, instead of being destroyed by stress.

By using a number of scientifically-backed techniques, we exercise your nervous system’s ability to absorb and process stress. Then, we give you the tools and tactics and ancient wisdom so you can process through stressful situations much more efficiently so it doesn’t stay in your body.

Using the experiential and embodiment nature of Bridge, you not only learn how to deal with stress that is present in your life…

…But you discover how to release emotional trauma (aka, macro-stress) that you’ve stored in your body. Sometimes, there are wounds hidden from 10, 20, or even 30+ years ago that your body never processed through.

Here are some of the exercises you might encounter during the Bridge Experience…

A seemingly simple challenge designed to open up a space where people see how the small minutiae that they do on a daily basis is actually a microcosm of what’s happening in their life and probably a part of what’s not working in their life.
A connection opportunity to bring you and the other participants together in a way that helps you feel truly seen and understood…perhaps for the first time ever. It forces you to move past labels of man, woman, gay, straight, white, black, and into a space of true human connection.
A powerful exercise that uses the science of the somatic-emotional connection to allow your body to release stored trauma in a safe space. Many people find themselves processing out things they have already “dealt with” in other personal development or talk-therapy scenarios.

Life Doesn’t Care About an Agenda and Neither Do We

Finally, most personal development workshops are a one-size-fits-all approach which typically occurs in a seminar-style environment.

At The Bridge Experience, we believe that play is the best way to unlock your true self!

That means we’re focused on making the experience FUN!

From a scientific perspective, the research says that we learn best when we’re most present. And we’re most present when we’re having fun.

This event is like Jambalaya. It’s different every time based on who is in the room. This creates the container for a fun, joyful experience where you and your fellow participants are able to play FULL OUT and express yourself in a loving and safe environment.

You will never find a safer space to discover more about who you are.

This is the opposite of a one-size-fits-all approach.

We don’t even have a public agenda; we choose exercises and challenges for the room based on what is showing up. Bridge is an organic adaptation of what shows up in the room in the moment. It’s not rigid and schedule driven. Life doesn’t really care about our agenda. Bridge unfolds in a realistic way.


This guarantees that we curate the most powerful and impactful experience possible for the people in our rooms.

Our future is created from choices we make every minute.
– Deepak Chopra

Our Promise

To empower individuals to live from their Highest Self.

We promise to push you to your limits…and then some. We promise to challenge your comfort zone, break down your barriers, and support you in bringing out that inner fire that’s been lying dormant for too long. Why are we insanely committed to this promise? Because we are insanely committed to creating a world that works for everyone; and that starts with the inner fire of each individual.

We believe that everyone is meant for greatness; that your history does not determine your destiny. Your destiny is determined by your willingness to face yourself and push past your comfort zone. This means choosing to let go of the excuses that have held you back, getting off your assets and moving into ACTION. We need your gifts, your talents, and your abilities…and we need them now.

Lives Are Changed At The Bridge…

Witness the 1,000+ students who have transformed their lives through the Bridge Experience

The BRIDGE CHANGED MY LIFE. Every day I’ve been centering several times throughout the day. I also have been doing the allowing process daily, which has been super helpful because I have a tendency to suppress my emotions. Finally, I’ve been SUPER AWARE, so anytime I notice one of the diminishers, I remind myself “how you anything is how you do everything, & journal about it.


My whole life has been a win since I attended the BRIDGE EXPERIENCE back in March. I can honestly say I am a DIFFERENT person – actually…I am the same person…that I always was…but without the layers of shame and guilt and expectation weighing me down. I am LIGHTER, HAPPIER, FREEER and me’er!!! When I think about the POSSIBILITY that I may not have attended and still being stuck in an ineffective mindset that SO wasn’t serving me or those around me – compared to me now – FULLY showing up, in all my colours…well, I just can’t imagine it. I am so so so grateful to you and Alexi Panos for what you created for us that weekend and the Vibe hotel…I literally got my vibe back. Could keep writing but I’ll stop here!


The BRIDGE EXPERIENCE finally enabled me to no more shielding the full radiance ☀️of my amazing ❤️. Growing strength in dismantling the wall of insecurity, anxiety, and fear between my heart and yours.
Because my new life, is going to cost me my old one. 😉 pow💥
What I learned there was “non-comparison,” because it allows me to be more daring, more courageous, more vulnerable, without paralyzing competition/comparisons, more open, more honest, more loving, more true nature.
The power of transforming language! From “self diminishing” language to “true heart truth” language.


“The BRIDGE EXPERIENCE is the missing piece of the personal TRANSFORMATION PUZZLE you have been searching for! It is not only life-changing, it is PERSON-CHANGING; I came out of it with a whole new awareness of myself and the tools to access my GREATNESS. The workshop is really interactive and there are so many opportunities to “walk the walk” that you cannot help but be TRANSFORMED by the experience. This is not the kind of learning you hear and forget! ALEXI & PRESTON are incredible leaders. They are open-hearted, engaged and inspiring, and they see and hear every single person in the room. The group was filled with EPIC PEOPLE and so many BONDS and CONNECTIONS were formed. What a blessing.”
Elyse, Sydney


There are dozens of testimonials on this page, proving that your way of being and your entire life can be radically different with just a 2 day workshop.

The choice is now yours.

You can choose to stay stuck.

You can close this page and forget everything you’ve read. Keep living your life half-cocked. Keep going at half-speed. Keep living your life at a 2/10 and thinking that’s normal. Live a life where you never get to experience what’s actually possible. The risk is dying with your dance still in you.


You can choose to take yourself on and change your life.

Those who are willing to risk it all put themselves in a position to gain it all. If you’re not willing to risk it, you’re not willing to gain it. Everything you want is outside of where you have been. You can choose to go for it and come out the other side, more aligned, more powerful, and more at peace with who you are.

What choice will you make?

The training and experience we provide inside of Bridge is the result of over $500k invested into our own personal development. Furthermore, we’ve spent the last 10 years working on this, and have dedicated over 50,000 hours each to this work.


Our 1-on-1 coaching fees are typically in the $10k+ range.

But we want the Bridge Experience to be accessible.

That’s why we offer Bridge for just $997



Get Level 1: The Bridge Experience
Level 2: Extreme Leadership
(priced at $1997 EACH if purchased SEPARATELY)

GET THEM TOGETHER for just $1997 and save almost 30%!


Alexi Panos

I was 26 when my life dramatically shifted. I was working with my non-profit, E.P.I.C, and we were digging a well in this remote village in Tanzania called Mangalali. I remember a woman came up to my friend and I, and she was exuding gratitude for what we were doing.

I’ll never forget how she grabbed our hands and thanked us in her language. We couldn’t understand what she was saying, but her tears and energy told the story.

In that moment, I remember looking at my friend and seeing her tear up at this woman’s gratitude. And instantly, I felt resentment toward my friend who was able to access her emotions so readily.

Later that night, I got curious about my reaction and it was then that I discovered that I had built up so many walls that I had cut off all feeling. I’d been in personal development work for almost 10 years at that point, but I was left with the realization that all that work had only made me more cunning at putting up bigger, better walls. It had just made me better at “success” and “significance”.

I was still cut off from emotion and connection.

After that moment in Mangalali with Zambda, that was the shift that made me realize I hadn’t been doing the work, I’d been building better walls to keep myself “safe.” But those walls were the barrier between me and the life I actually was deeply yearning for–experiencing joy, gratitude, fulfillment and true connection.

I dove into the work that has become Bridge and it has taught me how to stand for myself and how to be human in the face of a world that wants you to be “perfect”. It’s empowered me to be ME.

That’s why I co-created the Bridge Experience with my hubby and partner in shine, Preston Smiles. Together, we’ve both dedicated our lives to learning as much as possible about Human Potential, Positive Psychology, NLP, Breathwork, Ontology of Language, Transformative Studies, Somatic Wisdom, Gestalt Therapy, Emotional Intelligence and Esoteric Wisdom.

I’ve personally been named one of ORIGIN Magazine’s TOP 100 CREATIVES CHANGING THE WORLD, one of 15 WOMEN THAT WOW by Creativ Magazine, and one of the stars of breakout documentary’s THE ABUNDANCE FACTOR and RISE UP. I’ve authored the books 50 Ways To Yay! and NOW OR NEVER (co authored with Preston Smiles!).


When I was 25 years old, I was diagnosed with a stress-related heart condition. I was told I had an arrhythmia that was potentially life threatening if I didn’t make a change.

I had spent my life up to that point working myself to death, trying to make it as an actor. I constantly felt angry. I constantly felt like my entire being was under pressure. I constantly felt stressed, like my soul had no room to breathe.

When I received the news about my heart condition, I thought my life was over. I had never been so scared and so angry in my entire life. I’ll never forget what my doctor told me…

He looked at me and said, “As a cardiologist, I’m going to give you some pills that will help your heart and keep you alive. You’ll have to take these pills for the rest of your life.”

“But as a concerned citizen and a father, I suggest you take a look at reducing your stress levels and changing your diet.”

In that moment, I had a choice: make a change and figure out the stress and food thing, or take pills until I died.

A few weeks later, I was living with my then-girlfriend, and her mom gave me a book. I remember opening up that book and my eyes fell on a sentence that read, “Your thoughts create your reality.”

And in that moment, I completely lost it and had the biggest breakdown of my life. Because NOBODY in my life had ever told me anything like this; that I had the power to change my life by changing my thoughts.

As I began to release all this pent-up anger and frustration and sadness and hurt, I felt something very strange: spaciousness. For the first time in my life, I felt like I could take a full, deep breath without feeling like there were iron bars squeezing my chest.

I began to realize that the overwhelming majority of people I knew didn’t know any of this stuff. I knew I was going to spend the rest of my life mastering myself and teaching others what I was learning. I now had a responsibility and mission to share this with the world.

That’s why I co-created the Bridge Experience with my wife and partnerin shine, Alexi Panos. Together, we’ve both dedicated our lives to learning as much as possible about Human Potential, Positive Psychology, NLP, Breathwork, Ontology of Language, Transformative Studies, Somatic Wisdom, Gestalt Therapy, Emotional Intelligence and Esoteric Wisdom.

I’ve personally published 2 books, and spoken on stages in the last year with JACK CANFIELD, TAI LOPEZ, GRANT CARDONE, LEWIS HOWES, and many others with crowds of 2k to 6k people. I’ve been featured on the covers of MILLENNIAL Magazine and INSPIRED COACH magazine, been a Featured Expert in the documentary films RISE UP and AGE OF THE ENTREPRENEUR, and generated over 5 MILLION views on Youtube and over 10 MILLION views on Facebook.

I’ve also been featured in ORIGIN Magazine, Cosmopolitan SA, LA WEEKLY, and Los Angeles Magazine.

We have successfully impacted over 10,000 people IN PERSON who have been through our programs, and over 20 million we’ve reached through social media.


Bridge Experience (Level 1)



Extreme Leadership (Level 2)


Because of the intensive nature of our learning environment, you must be at least 18 years old to participate. We do not permit children in the workshop as we go through some pretty intense activities.

PREGNANCY: If you are more 6 months pregnant, we do not recommend doing the course. We have had women complete safely who are in their third trimester, however due to the physical nature of the work, we advise against it if you’re looking to participate in ALL activities offered. You may attend the workshop and opt out of any activities that you don’t feel comfortable doing, if you choose to do so.

The Bridge Experience is held over a full Saturday and a full Sunday. Saturday starts sharp at 8am and ends roughly around 10pm. Sunday starts at 9am and ends at 8:30pm. Participants are encouraged to invite friends and family to a short graduation ceremony starting promptly at 7pm and going until approximately 8:30pm on Sunday evening. Graduation is required. You will have a 30 min break every 3-4 hours, with a 90 minute dinner break scheduled around the half day point.


Please refer to the TICKETS page for all dates!
Please refer to the TICKETS page for all location information! (This is usually released a couple months prior to workshop date, and is held in a central area of each city)
These workshops are an experiential learning process in a highly interactive environment. You’re expected to show up with all of your presence and participate fully. Your mind, body and soul will be engaged in the work of discovery, transformation in action, and cellular redesign.

Alexi Panos + Preston Smiles will facilitate the workshop in a way that is clear, powerful, and energized. The interactive structure of the room includes a series of life-altering processes including: transformative distinctions, creative interactions, challenges that induce cellular learning and personalized coaching which will stretch and expand old limitations.

The Bridge Experience creates a space where you are able to recognize opportunities to choose different ways of thinking and acting, that will empower you to live the life you want to live. You are presented with ways in which to play with the possibilities that are available to you based on your creation. The Bridge Experience is a training that works on a cellular level–using interactive experiences to let the lesson live deeply within you, so that it’s available for the rest of your life.

In the workshop, you’ll breakthrough old limiting patterns, and create freedom and power from a grounded space. You will be trained on how to create a life based on your deepest values, commitments, and intentions. Because The Bridge Experience focuses on creating the best YOU, you’ll experience results in all areas of your life: relationships, work, contribution, purpose, finances, family and happiness.

Secure your seat on the tickets page. Because we like to keep The Bridge Experience intimate, we must strictly limit the amount of seats available in each city.

We put our hearts and souls into this training, and planning for The Bridge Experience is no exception. Because this is an international event for Alexi + Preston, the event must be scheduled in advance, with the venue and travel secured. Due to the extensive pre-planning that is involved, tickets are non-refundable, but transferable to a later scheduled event or online program. This means you are able to use the ticket price towards another event held (online or in person) by The Bridge. You are also able to transfer the ticket to another person as well, just let our support team know prior to start date so we can prepare properly.

The cost of The Bridge Experience is $797USD. This includes the 2-day Workshop Session, a pre-workshop LAUNCH kit, and admission into our Graduates FB community.
Alexi Panos + Preston Smiles are extensively trained in the fields of Personal Development and Transformation. They hold a combined 20+ years of experience in this area of work and have trained both one-on-one and large groups all over the world. They have learned and trained under the expertise of some of the pioneers in the Transformation Movement, and continue to sharpen their skills as participants in some of the most rigorous trainings around the globe. Their fields of study include the Ontology of Language, Somatic Embodiment, Esoteric Wisdom, Positive Psychology, Emotional Intelligence, Gestalt Therapy, and they are both NLP Master Practitioners.
Our workshop is intense. We don’t recommend having long commutes to and from the area where The Bridge Experience will be held. If you can stay at a nearby hotel or with a friend that would be ideal.

You’ll have homework assignments on Saturday evening and will need downtime to complete these assignments, so please plan accordingly.

Bring all of yourself. Your courage, your strength, your humility, your willingness. Also, bring snacks that you will be able to access on the breaks. Bring money for your 90 minute dinner break, and a refillable water bottle. We’ll have notebooks and pens available for you.
During the 2 day workshop you’ll want to be comfortable. Wear clothes that you can move in and don’t mind sitting on the floor in. Ladies, we recommend that you not wear skirts, as there is a lot of movement involved. Bring comfortable shoes or socks to wear in the workshop. Dress in layers so you can prepare for fluctuations in temperature. You will be required to dress up a bit for your Graduation, so please plan accordingly. We recommend dressing as if you are planning to go out to a nice restaurant.
You are not permitted to take any mind-altering substances while participating in The Bridge Experience, unless prescribed by a doctor. This means no alcohol, drugs of any kind, as well as cigarettes. If you cannot commit to this, please don’t commit to the program.

You will be expected to complete your LAUNCH KIT prior to 8am on your first day of The Bridge Experience.

You will be expected to show up on time and respect time on all breaks.

You are expected to show up with a beginners mindset. If you feel you “know it all already” then there is no room to learn anything new.

You are expected to HAVE A BLAST! Transforming your life is an incredible undertaking, and we believe it should be celebrated!


Extreme Leadership (Level 2)



Because of the intensive nature of our learning environment, you must be at least 18 years old to participate. We do not permit children in the workshop as we go through some pretty intense activities.

PREGNANCY: If you are more 6 months pregnant, we do not recommend doing the course if you want to participate in ALL activities. We have had women complete safely who are in their third trimester, however due to the physical nature of the work, we advise against it if you’re looking to participate in ALL activities offered. You may attend the workshop and opt out of any activities that you don’t feel comfortable doing, if you choose to do so.

EXTREME LEADERSHIP is held over a full Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Friday starts SHARP at 8am and ends roughly around 10pm. Saturday starts sharp at 9am and ends roughly around 10pm. Sunday starts at 9am and ends around 8pm.


Please refer to the TICKETS page for all dates!
Please refer to the TICKETS page for all location information! (This is usually released a couple months prior to workshop date, and is held in a central area of each city)
Secure your spot on the TICKETS page

Due to the extensive pre-planning that is involved, tickets are non-refundable, but transferable to a later scheduled event or online program. This means you are able to use the ticket price towards another event held (online or in person) by The Bridge. You are also able to transfer the ticket to another person as well, just let our support team know prior to start date so we can prepare properly.

Alexi Panos + Preston Smiles are extensively trained in the fields of Personal Development and Transformation. They hold a combined 20+ years of experience in this area of work and have trained both one-on-one and large groups all over the world. They have learned and trained under the expertise of some of the pioneers in the Transformation Movement, and continue to sharpen their skills as participants in some of the most rigorous trainings around the globe. Their fields of study include the Ontology of Language, Somatic Embodiment, Esoteric Wisdom, Positive Psychology, Emotional Intelligence, Gestalt Therapy, and they are both NLP Master Practitioners.
Our workshop is intense. We don’t recommend having long commutes to and from the area where The Bridge Experience will be held. If you can stay at a nearby hotel or with a friend that would be ideal.

You’ll have homework assignments on Saturday evening and will need downtime to complete these assignments, so please plan accordingly.

Bring all of yourself. Your courage, your strength, your humility, your willingness. Also, bring snacks that you will be able to access on the breaks. Bring money for your 90 minute dinner break, and a refillable water bottle. We’ll have notebooks and pens available for you.
During the 2 day workshop you’ll want to be comfortable. Wear clothes that you can move in and don’t mind sitting on the floor in. Ladies, we recommend that you not wear skirts, as there is a lot of movement involved. Bring comfortable shoes or socks to wear in the workshop. Dress in layers so you can prepare for fluctuations in temperature. You will be required to dress up a bit for your Graduation, so please plan accordingly. We recommend dressing as if you are planning to go out to a nice restaurant.
Yes this is EXTREME, because it’s EXTREME LEADERSHIP. This training is set up to annihilate your ego, rip down the identities and masks you’ve become accustomed to, and have you be in the QUEST of WHO YOU REALLY ARE.

While we will absolutely push you to the edges of your comfort zone, your safety will not be put in danger. All of our exercises are specifically designed to have you face off with the parts of yourself that you will often feel like you want to run and hide from—> THAT’S the intention of this training.

You are not forced to participate in ANY of the activities, however, we have set this entire training up to support you in having your greatest realization of your DEEPEST TRUTH. That WILL require that you step in when you don’t feel like it, and trust the process even when the ego is scared.

There is a reason why this workshop is known worldwide as the BEST personal development/leadership program available across the globe. It is built to get you extraordinary RESULTS…which requires extraordinary effort on your part.

You are not permitted to take any mind-altering substances while participating in The Bridge Experience, unless prescribed by a doctor. This means no alcohol, drugs of any kind, as well as cigarettes. If you cannot commit to this, please don’t commit to the program.

You will be expected to complete your LAUNCH KIT prior to 8am on your first day of The Bridge Experience.

You will be expected to show up on time and respect time on all breaks.

You are expected to show up with a beginners mindset. If you feel you “know it all already” then there is no room to learn anything new.

You are expected to HAVE A BLAST! Transforming your life is an incredible undertaking, and we believe it should be celebrated!

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